Meet our Round Thirteen Men’s Rising Star Nominee, Felix Rugge-Price, Sydney University

Player Profile:

Name: Felix Rugge-Price

Nickname: Carpet

AFL Sydney Club: Sydney University

Junior Club: Glebe Greyhounds

Position: Defender

What is one thing that we don’t know about this Rising Star that they are well known for around the club?

Rivals Izaac Hughes for best athlete at the club and already has a couple of big speckies this season.

What role do you play for the club(s) both on and off the field? 

Felix is another in the talented young core coming through at Sydney Uni. He stands out not just for his on-field ability, but for his maturity in his composure, leadership and footy IQ.

Reason for nomination this round:

Felix had another stellar game in Rd 13, and was named best on ground by coaches, as well as co-winning the players’ player award. Felix’s communication and leadership is stand out, and has was integral in shoring up the young backline- he continues to improve week in week out.

Coach quote on Performance:

Felix was excellent on Saturday, combining his defensive intelligence to drop off and intercept, with his elite speed and kicking skills to help us counter attack and break down UTS’s defence. His communication and leadership were integral in shoring up a young backline. Felix’s confidence at Prems level grows week on week and we’re excited to see how much better he can get over the rest of the season.