Holroyd Parramatta Women’s Football BBQ

The 2018 season might seem a while away but both the Holroyd Parramatta Goannas Junior and Senior Football clubs have set the bar high! They are looking to field U12, U15s, U18s and Women’s teams in 2018.
The Goannas are holding a meet and greet session on Sunday 19th November from 11am at Goanna Park (Gipps Road, Greystanes). If you have played or want to play AFL come along for the free BBQ lunch!
What: Holroyd Parramatta Women’s Football BBQ
Where: Goanna Park (Gipps Road Oval, Greystanes)
When: Sunday 19th November from 11am
Contact the Goannas for more information:
Miguel Limson 0410 507 955, Michael Bright 0451 971 012 or at womensfooty@goannas.com.au