COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, 14 July

Update: Wednesday, 14 July 2021
The NSW Government today announced a further two-week extension to the stay-at-home order up until 11:59pm on 30 July. As a result, there will continue to be no community football matches, training, Auskick or events in the Greater Sydney region while these restrictions remain in place. Existing restrictions for regional NSW will remain until that date.
AFL NSW/ACT and our competition managers remain committed to recommencing the season as soon as it is safe to do so. And whilst today’s announcement sees the cumulative impact on our competitions in the Greater Sydney Region extend to five weeks, we continue to be agile and flexible in our approach to managing these impacts and planning the remainder of the season.
To assist AFL Sydney scenario planning over the coming weeks, league managers will consult clubs to understand feasibility and preferences related to a number of factors to ensure we have all relevant information to inform decision-making. These include fixturing, athlete preparation and minimum training requirements, venue availability for training and playing and competition integrity factors. Further information will be provided in the coming days.
We understand this is a difficult time for all those in the Greater Sydney region and would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your patience, support and input during this challenging time for us all.
AFL NSW/ACT passes on our best to our footy community and hope everyone is doing well.
– End 14 July update –