Pocket Profile – Emily Eaves (Player, Southern Power)

Get to know Women’s Premier Division Player, Emily Eaves!

Name: Emily Eaves
Nickname: Eavesy
AFL Sydney Club: Southern Power
Junior Club: Southern Power
Position/s: Midfielder, Centre-half forward
Playing Number: 26
Usual Grade: Women’s Premier Division
First season of AFL Sydney footy: 2015
Why did you start playing footy?
My brothers had been playing AFL since they were younger and I was always dragged along to watch their games. Dad was also very involved with footy coaching wise with the Swans Academy so it was the main sport in our family. In 2015 a couple of my friends said they were going to start playing footy at Southern Power and I decided to join with them and have been playing ever since.
What is your most memorable AFL Sydney moment?
My most memorable moment was probably winning the 2018 18’s Div 1 Grand Final. It was such a close game the whole game and our coach (Kathryn Hull) couldn’t be at the game as her prems semi final was on at the same time so we all wanted to win for her. We had the best last quarter ever and got on top and it was the best feeling to be able to achieve what we did with the girls. Everyone was so happy as we were the underdogs going in.
What is the best part about playing at your current club?
I’ve been a part of many different sporting clubs through different sports but Southern Power by far is one of, if not the best club I have been a part of. The past couple of years the club has grown to be like a massive family for me. Some of my best friends have come from the club and I don’t know what I would do now if I had never met them. Everyone is so supportive of one another and the spirit our club has is second to none. Our club home games are my favourite by far, the support our teams get from everyone sitting on the hill at Waratah is the best atmosphere to be a part of. Wouldn’t want to play for any other club.
Do you have any pre-game superstitions or routines?
I always tend to get to the field earlier than everyone else and get a sausage sandwich from the BBQ which probably isn’t the best pre-game food haha. Once we get in the changeroom I don’t really have any superstitions or routines, but I LOVE having a pre-game boogie with the girls to get us all excited for the game (Fantasy by Mariah Carey is our No. 1 pre-game song).
What is the best advice you have received as a player and from who?
Best advice I’ve received as a player is probably from my Dad. He has always said to me since I started playing to want the ball more than anyone else, head over the ball always and whenever you’re in the contest make sure you are the one that comes out better off.
Who has the best kick at the club?
Caitlin Davidson and Ashlee McClure definitely have massive and consistent kicks as our main goal kickers in our team so I would say they have the best kicks at the club.
What are you missing most about footy during lockdown?
I miss just seeing everyone at training and on game day. A lot of the girls in our team aren’t from the Sutherland area and are from areas like Camden and Wollongong so it sucks that we can’t meet up with them for a kick or to go for a walk. We have caught up for a couple zoom calls but can’t wait till I’m able to see everyone again.
Interests outside of football?
I’ve been doing Surf Life Saving since I was 5 or 6 so in the summer I do that and then footy in winter so it works out perfectly for me. Besides sport, I love just being around my friends and socialising, massive fan of a Sunday sesh.
Which teammate is most likely to:
Turn up late Ruby Sargent-Wilson
Be on the massage table Probably me
Forget their boots Shannon Brown
Appear on the next season of Australian Survivor Jemima Wrigley
Who is your tip to win the 2021 AFL Premiership & Brownlow Medal?
Swannies for sure and Sam Walsh for the Brownlow
Who would you like to see as the Pre-Game entertainment for the 2021 AFL Grand Final?
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
A big house on the water
First place you want to visit after travel restrictions lift?
There are many places I would love to go I wouldn’t be able to choose 1 so either Greece, Mexico or Bali
What is the one superpower you wish you had and why?
Probably to be invisible. Would just be fun to go wherever you wanted without anyone being able to see you.
Apple Music or Spotify?
Spotify for sure
Pineapple on Pizza. Yes/ No?
Yes pineapple 100% goes on pizza.
Usual coffee order?
Not a coffee drinker unfortunately hate the taste but love an almond chai latte.
What is this player know for at your club?
Emily is a very loved person by all at our club she has been with Southern Power for year’s coming through our youth girls program and fitting in perfectly in our senior women grade. She is a lot of fun to be around and always up for a good time.
Any additional comments about the player
Emily is in the senior leadership group which is well deserved. She is workhorse on the field giving 100% each game she’s got great skills and is one of the best tacklers in the team. She is really one of the best players to watch.
How can people get involved with playing at your club?
To get involved with our club you can find a list of contacts on our website to call or reach out on our social media channels on Facebook or Instagram.


To get involved in the club, head to their website or check out their page on Instagram or Facebook!

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