Meet our Round Thirteen Women’s Rising Star Nominee, Abby Latimer, North Shore Bombers

Player Profile

Name: Abby Latimer

Nickname: Abs

AFL Sydney Club: North Shore Bombers

Position: Half Back Flank

Junior Club: St Ives

What is one thing that we don’t know about this Rising Star that they are well known for around the club?

Abby spends what seems like 50% of her waking hours with a footy in her hands. She’s obsessed with the game and is regularly spotted trying to convince teammates and coaches to ‘go for a kick’ outside of training and game days.

What role do they play for the club both on and off the field?

Abby sets an excellent example for the rest of our playing group on and off the field, she is always learning about the game, practicing footy craft and striving to improve her game each week. She is a leader amongst our group of talented juniors.

Nomination Details

Reason for nomination this round:

Abby has put together 2 really impressive performances in a row the last fortnight against strong opposition. She’s repelled countless forward entries, winning the majority of her one on one contests and has used the ball with great efficiency when rebounding from defensive 50, setting up a lot of attacking plays for North Shore in the process.

Coach quote on Performance:

Abby is one of those players that you love to coach, she’s always doing extra skills work at training, asking questions of her coaches in order to improve her game. She’s only in her second year of playing footy altogether, she’s come an incredibly long way in a short time and if she continues on this trajectory I can see exciting opportunities for her in the future.

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