Sydney Umpires gather for Super Session

This week, hundreds of umpires from across Sydney came together for the first annual ‘Sydney Super Session’ at Spotless Stadium.
Gathering umpires from across the AFL, NEAFL, AFL Sydney and AFL Sydney Juniors leagues, the session was designed to teach and inspire the up-and-coming umpires from the greater Sydney region.
AFL NSW/ACT State Umpiring & Elite Programs Manager, Damian Anderson said that a decision was made to supersize the event following the success of a similar session in 2016.
“This year, we wanted to make the event even bigger and better, so we decided to open it up to all umpires at an elite venue,” said Anderson.
“After the NEAFL and AFL Umpires trained, they, along with the AFL Sydney Senior and Junior Umpire Coaches facilitated several skill sessions with the junior umpires.
“The session had several purposes. Firstly, to bring together our nine junior training groups and two senior training groups from different training bases, and secondly, to get our elite and sub-elite umpires together with community umpires.
“We also wanted to allow community umpires to train on an AFL ground, which they would not otherwise do.”
With local AFL finals just around the corner, many umpires will be tested as field umpires – away from their usual goal or boundary umpiring position. Holding an event like the Sydney Super Session meant giving them the opportunity to be taught the fundamentals of the field umpiring craft, by our local elite umpires.
“Overall, the event was aimed at giving all umpiring participants an enjoyable experience, while being up-skilled and ultimately encouraged to continue umpiring in 2018.”
This year the number of junior umpires moving from junior to senior football in greater Sydney has increased from 4 per cent to 17 per cent.
Increasingly, the senior and junior umpiring ranks are working together to enable junior umpires the best chance at pursuing AFL umpiring as their chosen sport.
Supported by the Community Umpiring major partner, Tyrepower, the aim will be to push the event further in 2018.
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