Western Suburbs Australian Football Club Seeking 2018 Season Coach

Western Suburbs Australian Football Club invites applications for the Senior Coaching position (Premier Division) for the 2018 season. Playing or Non Playing applications are welcome.
Western Suburbs is a financially sound club with a proud history of competition in the Sydney AFL. Offering excellent facilities both on and off field the club is poised for success at all levels. A strong Coaching panel is integral to achieving our goals..
The successful applicant will be strongly supported and given every opportunity to build a long and rewarding partnership with our Club.
Confidential Expressions of Interest in the first instant may be forwarded to:
David Spence (Football Operations)
Email: spanner.co@gmail.com
MOB: 0409 033 198
David Polley (Football Operations)
Email: david@abbottlocks.com.au
MOB: 0412 920 085
More information is available on request