Return to Contact Training from 1 July

From Today, Wednesday 1 July, Clubs and Teams will be permitted to return to contact training and match practice.
In line with the recently revised NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 4) 2020, and the Office of Sport’s COVID-19 Safety Plan – Community sporting competitions and full training activities, AFL NSW/ACT endorse a return to club sanctioned contact training at community football level in NSW from July 1, with the first bounce of official competition play for all ages planned for the weekend of 17 – 19 July 2020.
Clubs and participants must adhere to the relevant Government guidelines and AFL NSW/ACT’s Return to Contact Training, Competition & NAB AFL Auskick Protocols.
To assist Clubs and Teams return to contact training and competition, AFL NSWACT has developed the following documents:
– Return to Contact Training, Competition and NAB AFL Auskick Protocols
– Return to Contact Training and Competition FAQs
– Return to Contact Training and Competition Checklist
– Return to Contact Training and Competition Webinar Recording
– Return to NAB AFL Auskick FAQs
– Return to NAB AFL Auskick Checklist
These can be accessed from the AFL NSWACT website here.
Key changes from the “Return to Small Group Training Protocols”:
– The limit of 20 players per group at training is removed. From this point on the key factor for space allocation is 1 person per 4m2, up to the maximum of 500 people (players, spectators, officials, volunteers)
– Physiotherapist and/or club medical staff are allowed
– A copy of the “Return to Contact Training, Competition & NAB AFL Auskick” Protocols can be easily accessed for inspection by an authorised officer as requested
Key Reminders:
– Sharing of personal items such as drink bottles and towels is not allowed, ie. players must bring their own labelled drink to training
– Hygiene protocols still followed by teams and players, ie. Sanitising the footballs after each session, players encouraged to shower
– Apart from during training and match play, 1.5m social distancing must be maintained
– A register of all participants at training must be maintained
Please note, we are seeking clarification from the NSW Government on sporting activity not exceeding 500 people at one time and will provide Clubs with an update on any changes to this restriction.