COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, 7 July

Update 7 July 2021
Today the NSW Government announced the stay-at-home orders for Greater Sydney (including Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour) have been extended until 11.59pm on Friday, 16 July. Existing restrictions for regional NSW will remain until that date.
As a result, there will continue to be no community football matches, training, Auskick or events in the Greater Sydney region while these restrictions remain in place.
The NSW Government is expected to provide further clarity on the planned exit from the current stay-at-home orders in the coming days. AFL NSW/ACT will await the details of this ‘exit plan’ before determining when training and fixtures can resume in affected regions.
Regarding the season’s schedule, we will continue to work through a number of factors including total fixturing impacts, athlete and venue preparation, competition integrity and the restrictions (yet to be announced), and update clubs accordingly.
We appreciate the football community’s patience, cooperation and understanding at this time and we encourage our community to exercise and engage in outdoor recreation in COVID safe settings. Please continue to adhere to the NSW Government’s health advice and guidelines to ensure we curb the spread of the current outbreak.
– End 7 July update –