Bourke Family Fundraiser- Balmain Tigers

Repost from Balmain Tigers
We all know and love Dan “the running man” Bourke. He’s up at 4am to run before class, crush his CrossFit session, motivate the entire team and make everyone laugh with his quick wit, sense of humour and dad jokes. Dan has a huge heart and is a massive part of our gym community. He is always the first person to tell you you’re doing an “amazing job”, is the biggest cheer-leader for all of the crew and appears to be quite possibly the funniest guy in the gym.
A bit like Forrest Gump’s, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get”… Dan’s world was rocked this year when his beautiful wife Ali, his absolute sweetheart and his world was diagnosed with the big C word (CXNCER). He is inspired by her strength and we’re inspired by his. Now we are all going to rally together and be Dan and Ali’s biggest cheer-leaders and “run like Dan” to raise money for this beautiful family.
We would love for you to join us to run Dan’s morning 5km course around the lighthouse, collectively to get together, show support, raise awareness as well as some money for this beautiful family and hopefully bring some positive vibes and strength to their family unit.
We have some amazing entry prizes, a really fun course and a 5km run or walk (or jump or roll).
Date: 3rd April 2022; 8am start
Meet: Fitness Alley, Swan Street Wollongong
Cost: $5 donation per person
Catered breakfast following the run
Bring your friends, family and anyone else that would like to join in!
A few heart felt words from the man himself…
“So, cancer. I wouldn’t like to show it any respect and provide a capital letter. Let’s keep the sucker pinned down…
You never know when you’ll be tested. We think our test is the 200kg squat or limping out a long run, or being under pressure after work and the kids won’t let up. But then your mortality is questioned and you need to find strength reserves that you never knew existed, then you’re being tested.
This is Ali’s resolve: to summon the inner physical and mental strength that enabled her to grow two lifes and use it to continue her own life.
On December 16 Ali was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer. She wasn’t sick. Work was stressful and Christmas approaching meant a break, and then WHAM!!! The result of a routine colonoscopy found an enormous tumour that scuppered the impending relaxathon.
Chemotherapy has followed and the unbearable toll that is immense pain, unrelenting fatigue, ravaging nausea, not to mention the anatomical pain, has been endured in nothing short of an heroic manner.
And you think you know someone inside and out, you think your love for someone could not be greater, you think you have the greatest respect for a person. Then you see the incomprehensible fear behind their eyes that life may be taken from their very heart you adore. And within a minute that fear is determination and then you know love and respect and strength. We cannot be beaten.
Ali will be cured. We will live a long time together and have the wonderfully beautiful moments that make life the best.
Please go and #checkyourinnards
A simple check has saved Ali but ignoring your own could cost you everything.
Thanks for being in our team.”