Pocket Profile- Kaitlyn Manning (Player, Manly Warringah Wolves)

Get to know Manly Warringah Wolves Women’s Premier Division Player, Kaitlyn Manning!

Name: Kaitlyn Manning
Nickname: Wombat
AFL Sydney Club: Manly Warringah Wolves
Junior Club: NA
Position/s: Centre Half Forward/Midfield
Playing Number: 8
Usual Grade: Women’s Premier Division
First season of AFL Sydney footy: 2020
Why did you start playing footy?
I’d played football (soccer) my whole life and wanted to throw myself in the deep end and try something new so gave footy a go. So glad I made that decision.
What is your most memorable AFL Sydney moment?
This year I had a set shot from 45m out that went in which was pretty sick.
What is the best part about playing at your current club?
Definitely the close community feel. Everyone knows each other and is super friendly and welcoming.
Do you have any pre-game superstitions or routines?
No superstitions or routines, I’m still trying to figure out when the best time to eat before a game is.
What is the best advice you have received as a player and from who?
Multiple people have said this to me… Back yourself and take your time.
Who has the best kick at the club?
Izzy Rudolph-Wall, textbook.
What is one AFL rule you would change and why?
I would change the recent man-on-the-mark rule back. I don’t like feeling like I’m stuck in the mud, and I want to be able to put some pressure on.
What are you missing most about footy during lockdown?
Seeing the girls multiple times a week and for sure the banter.
Interests outside of football?
I love being around my mates, keeping active and I’m a sucker for the beach.
Which teammate is most likely to:
Turn up late ‘The Kids’ – Jess Doyle & Roxy Beuzeville
Be on the massage table Big Ez – Erin McKinnon
Forget their boots Caitlin “CJ” Johnson
Suck up to the coach Grace “Whoopi” Devaney
Appear on the next season of Australian Survivor Amy Smith
Who is your tip to win the 2021 AFL Premiership & Brownlow Medal?
Swannies for the Premiership, no clue for Brownlow.
Who would you like to see as the Pre-Game entertainment for the 2021 AFL Grand Final?
Lil Nas X
What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
My car isn’t too much younger than me so probably a new one would be top of the list.
First place you want to visit after travel restrictions lift?
Not fussed on destination as long as it’s warm and has good food.
What is the one superpower you wish you had and why?
Basic, but the ability to create food/meals out of thin air. Would save me sooo much money and time not cooking and deciding on what to have. May also be a really great superpower for humanity too.
Apple Music or Spotify?
Is this a trick question? Spotify.
Pineapple on Pizza. Yes/ No?
Big yes!
Usual coffee order?
I’m a hot chocolate girl, no coffees for me.
What is this player known for at your club?
Playing footy like a steam train; there ain’t no stopping Wombat! She also loves a solid goal celebration and pulls off LeBron James’ The Silencer moves extremely well.
Any additional comments about the player
Wombat joined the Wolfpack this season and is one of the hardest workers in the squad. She made a massive impression during pre-season, training the house down. Her humour and wit are just as valuable as her on-field strengths! A ripper player and a ripper human. Outside of footy, Wombat has an extensive collection of weird and wonderful socks of which she is very proud of.
How can people get involved with playing at your club?
Head to our Instagram page @manlywolvesafl and shoot us a message!


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