COVID-19 Updates (Friday, 12 November)

Update 12 November 2021
COVID-19 Guidelines and FAQ’s for Community Football Club
On 8 November, almost 90 per cent of NSW’s population aged 16 years and over had received two doses of vaccination to counter COVID-19. As a result, the NSW Government further eased restrictions and published an amended Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order 2021 which affected how community sport activities are conducted.
Below are guidelines and FAQs to assist community football clubs in managing a return to pre-season and play under the latest Public Health Orders. Please note all participants in community sport aged 16 years and over must be fully vaccinated. Health advice and government regulations are regularly updated on and
NSW return to play guidelines 90 per cent double dose vaccination
*Please note these guidelines are subject to change. Any updated government advice received by AFL NSW/ACT will be added to –
– End 12 November update –